We're ready to change the world, are you?
Joining YWF is the best way to show your dedication to the cause of world federalism and support local organizers around the world. With your help, we can continue the fight to give humanity a voice in global affairs.
Join the fastest growing movement to unite humanity. Our members get access to exclusive benefits that enable them to polish their skills as activists, organizers, and political game-changers. Our members-only section is where we plan the future of YWF and break into working groups to join with others with similar views other than world federalism
A youth-led organization is critical to the success of world federalism, so we've ensured that the voices of our members steer the direction of the organization with voting rights and the ability to campaign in annual Board elections.
Transforming the system of global governance requires a skilled group of people to lead the way. On our committees, members get hands-on experience with the organizing skills needed to build a global movement.
Networking with professionals and other young activists is the best way to promote the idea of a united world. Members-only events and access to our professional network enable our members to change the world one conversation at a time.
The world has changed. New technologies and globalization have transformed Earth from a collection of separate peoples into a single, unified species, where global challenges pose an existential risk to human civilization. These challenges push our fragile system of global governance beyond its limits and prove that technological and economic integration is not enough, we need global political integration to solve global issues.
The United Nations, designed as a forum for countries to cooperate, has become just another battleground for countries to compete. Devastating wars persist not because they benefit the people, but because they serve the interests of powerful countries. Justice and equality are supported merely to the extent that powerful countries will allow. The unaddressed climate crisis causes global sea levels to rise, eradicates ecosystems, and destroys people’s livelihoods. Science and technology are co-opted by countries to advance their position, not to empower the common interests of humanity.
We, the Young World Federalists, call for a fundamental transformation of the way decisions are made at the global level. National governments have approached these new global problems with the same tools that they have used for centuries: Countries enter into voluntary treaties while reserving the right to completely ignore them. If humanity is going to solve its collective problems and protect its common interests, this outdated system of global governance must be transformed into something inclusive, accountable, and enforceable.
We urgently need to start running the planet for people, not nations. We can do this by giving humanity a voice in global affairs, by creating a world parliament at the heart of a world federation to empower the common interests of humanity and build a peaceful, just, and sustainable world for all.
What are the different types of Membership?
There are four types of membership: limited income, student, standard, and sponsor. There is no difference between the levels of membership other than the donation amount. If you have the economic means to do so and want to aid our organization as much as possible, become a sponsor! If you are economically limited, you may use our limited-income or student plans. YWF will never ask you to prove your status as low-income or a student in order to stay a member - donate what you can.