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A global movement to unite humanity through democratic world federation.

We believe that the current system of competitive sovereign countries fails to tackle the global challenges that impact us all.

We advocate a new form of global governance, one in which people cooperate to secure their common interest through a democratic world federation.


We are a global movement building support for world federalism. To do this, we educate the public and raise awareness, collaborate with like-minded organizations, and mobilize activists and volunteers.


As an all-volunteer youth organization, we rely on donations to maintain operations, print material, educate the public, and organize events.

Our Discord community features weekly events, daily polls, and regular discussions, and is the best place to get involved with us. 

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Sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on the growth of our movement, new actions, and future events.

Join one of our volunteer teams to make friends, get skills in with new tools, and build your global network with young people committed to change.

Join one of our upcoming online & offline events, learn more about world federalism, and meet like-minded people.

Download and print our flyers and brochures and give it to friends, family, and the public.

We envision a sustainable, just, and peaceful world through a democratic world federation. A world run by humanity, for humanity, providing equal opportunity to all on a thriving planet.

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